"Focusing on Architecture as Process": Interview with Elena Tudela, Curator of the Mexican Pavilion at the 2021 Venice Biennale

The Federal Secretary of Culture and the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature (INBAL) present the exhibit, titled Desplazamientos (Displacements), which will represent Mexico in the 17th International Exhibition of Architecture-The Biennale of Venice, taking place from May 22 to November 21, 2021 in the Venetian Arsenal. The exhibition aims to redefine the way that Mexico participates in this distinguished space, one of architecture's global stages and a platform for countries to share their cultural heritage. The Mexican pavilion, titled Displacements, is the result of a dialogue between the representatives of the 12 chosen projects and the the curatorial team as a part of the process to transform the pre-established theme of the Venice Biennale and to formulate a dialogue through spatial, artistic, and constructive demonstration.


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