Las Caballerizas House / Carolina Vago Arquitectura

"Las Caballerizas" is a weekend house built from the recycling of old stables. In this work the initial plans were only a starting point to start dreaming. The design, construction, re-construction and re-functionalization process was artisanal work, where everyone who participated helped build the spirit of this work, defined details and corners. "Build a ranch" where you can spend a weekend with all your children and grandchildren was the client's request. Recover this place where he had spent his childhood. The premise was to restore the original stone construction and maintain it, despite the poor condition it was in. Recycle and re functionalize while maintaining its essence and spirit. Implanted in a place where the landscape is the protagonist, it was another condition to take into account. How to integrate the landscape and nature into the life of the ranch? How to make them participate in the social life that I was going to have, without losing the sense of shelter that their wide stone walls transmitted?

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