Tor Studio / Rosa Hereu Planellas + Jonte Norin

This guest house was built for and partly by ourselves. The building is a former pig sty on the family property in Catalonia. The building was in need of renovation and we wanted to get rid of the asbestos sheets on the roof. As a consequence the inclination had to be increased and new steel beams added on top of the old concrete construction. This created an attic that keeps the guest house both warm in winter and cool in summer. To keep the exterior intact new walls of light concrete blocks were constructed on the inside to hold the new beams and insulation added in between the walls. As is custom on utility buildings, no attempts have been made to hide the additions and changes. The upper part has a smooth plaster in contrast to the old one that has a lot of structure, and the contours of old windows are visible in the layers of different plaster pigments.

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